🎓 Monorepo College Lecture 2: Build Me Up Buttercup
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Hello everyone and welcome to the second part of Monorepo College, if you haven’t already done so, make sure to read the first part of the series firstly and come back for this one after.
In this part, we will be initializing the project, getting all of the initial files out of the way and then configure Prettier as well as create the first package of our monorepo which will be a tsconfig
package responsible for sharing TypeScript configuration files to the other packages we will create in the future.
Getting things off the ground
First things first, I always make sure to get the git side of things all setup and ready as the first step into setting up any project, and Acme is no different.
Let’s create a new directory for our project, obviously we will call it Acme
# Create an "Acme" directory
mkdir Acme
# Change terminal directory to it
cd Acme
Now that we have created the directory for the project and changed directories into it inside our terminal, let’s initialise git and create a .gitignore
# Initialize git
git init
# If your starting branch is not main, you can change it like so:
git branch -m main
For the .gitignore
file, I usually pick a template from github/gitignore which is a collection of great .gitignore
file templates. For this project I will be using the Node template.
Next steps
Documentation & community files
In any open source project, you should have a minimum of a README.md
, these are highly dependent on your project so I won’t be providing a template for them however here are some resources that might help you out.
- https://www.makeareadme.com/LICENSE
- https://opensource.org/licenses/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
- https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct/CONTRIBUTING.md
- https://contributing.md/how-to-build-contributing-md/SECURITY.md
- Just explain how to report security vulnerabilities in your project.
Initialising pnpm
For this project, we will be using pnpm as our package manager of choice, but obviously you can use any one you prefer.
Let’s firstly create our root level package.json
file for the workspace:
pnpm init
This will create a default package.json
file at the root of our project, the default package.json
is fine but we will change some stuff in ours, here’s mine after some changes:
"name": "acme",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"description": "The next billion dollar startup",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Acme",
"packageManager": "pnpm@8.1.1",
"engines": {
"node": ">=18.0.0",
"pnpm": ">=8.1.1"
I will go briefly over some of the stuff I have in the package.json
file but you can always read the documentation on all of them here
- This field is read by corepack to automatically pull the package manager with the exact version ensuring that your entire team uses the same package manager and the same version.engines
- This is used to specify ranges of Node and package manager versions that our project is compatible with, by default this option will only warn you if you use an incompatible version but we will modify that behaviour to error out. This is again one measure to ensure your whole team are using the same tools.
The pnpm-workspace.yaml
file is used to tell pnpm
three things:
- This project is a monorepo.
- This is the root of the monorepo.
- Here are the directories that you should expect packages to be located at.
So let’s create our file, we will have it so that pnpm
knows our packages will be located in apps/
, packages/
or packages/config/
- 'packages/*'
- 'packages/config/*'
- 'apps/*'
With this in place, we have officially entered monorepo land 🎉
The .npmrc
file is a special file that modifies the default behaviour of your package manager, in our case pnpm
, I’m going to show you the .npmrc
file that we will have and then explain what’s going on in there, as always I recommend reading the docs for this as that there are a lot of options that you can specify.
will make it so that it will error out if you use an incompatible node version with the project. -
- this setting tells pnpm to prioritize the installation of packages locally from our monorepo EVEN if that package has a newer version on the npm registry. This setting is useful for the following case scenarios:- someone merges a new PR with changes to a package, this bumps the version up and publishes it to npm automatically.
- someone else is still working on another change in this package, but now when they commit again the CI operation will pull the npm registry version because that version is newer than the one locally. Suddenly checks in CI are messed up.
- This can obviously be mitigated by pulling from main immediately after the other PR is merged but we will 100% forget to do that sometimes.
- By default, pnpm won’t hoist any packages other thanESLint
packages to the rootnode_modules
folder, This is mostly great but because we will be using Prisma as our database ORM, it does not play nicely in monorepo settings and hence why we need to add it to ourpublic-hoist-patterns
to make it work. This overrides the default value ofPrettier
packages though hence why we need to add them again.
Misc files
Now that we have pnpm
all setup in our workspace, we just need to add a couple more files before we get to the fun stuff.
EditorConfig is a tool that defines coding styles for multiple editors and IDEs, this will be somewhat of a fallback for users who don’t have prettier formatting in their editor and prettier does support .editorconfig
by default so there is no reason to not have it.
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
insert_final_newline = false
NVM is a Node version manager commonly used to install multiple versions of Nodejs on one system, by having a .nvmrc
file we tell nvm which nodejs version to use with this project.
Setting up TypeScript
In our workspace, we will be using one TypeScript version for the entire monorepo, this means that we will need to install it in our root package.json
pnpm add -D typescript @types/node -w
The -w
flag is needed to install dependencies to the root package.json
We will be setting up the @acme/tsconfig
package later on after prettier to share tsconfig
presets to our future packages.
If you are using VSCode, your editor is probably using TypeScript v4.9 or something along those lines which doesn’t align with our version and will cause errors in particularly using multiple extends. To fix this we need to create a new file at .vscode/settings.json
and include this code which will tell VSCode to use our workspace version of TypeScript:
"typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib"
Setting up Prettier
Prettier is a code formatter, it supports many languages and editors so we will be using it to ensure a consistent coding style throughout our project and provide format on save capabilities. We will also be using some prettier plugins to give us more functionality.
Install prettier and plugins
pnpm add -D prettier @types/prettier @ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports prettier-plugin-packagejson prettier-plugin-jsdoc prettier-plugin-tailwindcss -w
Configuring prettier
To configure prettier, let’s create a prettier.config.cjs
file that will host our configuration options.
/** @typedef {import('@ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports').PluginConfig} SortImportsConfig */
/** @typedef {import('prettier').Config} PrettierConfig */
/** @type {PrettierConfig | SortImportsConfig} */
const config = {
semi: true,
singleQuote: true,
trailingComma: 'all',
plugins: [
pluginSearchDirs: false,
importOrder: [
importOrderSeparation: false,
importOrderSortSpecifiers: true,
importOrderMergeDuplicateImports: true,
module.exports = config;
The first 3 options are self explanatory, then we list the plugins and the important bit here after is the pluginSearchDirs: false
which without it, prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
acts weirdly and won’t work as expected.
Next up we configure the import statements order that we want to use, whenever we use ""
it’s to add separations between our import statements and we set the default separation behaviour to false instead.
The importOrderSortSpecifiers
option will format different specifiers in an import statement such as type
imports and normal imports.
Lastly, the importOrderMergeDuplicateImports
will merge import statements from the same source into one import statement.
The .prettierignore
file is used to exclude prettier from formatting certain files, we will use this to tell prettier to not format any dist
and .next
folders as well as the pnpm-lock.yaml
Adding format scripts to our package.json
In our root package.json
file, let’s add some scripts that we can run to format the entire workspace with prettier. Add this to our already existing package.json
"scripts": {
"format:check": "prettier --check .",
"format:write": "prettier --write ."
We can now run pnpm format:write
to format all of the files in our project!
Creating our first package
Now that we have pnpm and prettier all setup, we are ready to introduce the first package to our monorepo, exciting times!
Since we have already installed typescript
in our monorepo, the next step is to setup TypeScript in our workspace in a way that will make it easy to use it in our future packages.
We will be creating a tsconfig
package that shares TS configuration presets to our packages.
Initializing the package
Let’s create the directory that will host our package at packages/config
mkdir packages
mkdir packages/config
mkdir packages/config/tsconfig
First things first, let’s create a package.json
file for our package:
"name": "@acme/tsconfig",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"description": "Presets for common tsconfig.json configurations",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Acme"
Don’t forget to include "private": true,
since we won’t be publishing it to NPM.
Creating our tsconfigs
Now that we have the package.json
for our @acme/tsconfig
package setup, we then need to install some dependencies for it.
I personally am a big advocate for writing the least amount of tsconfig
possible, and the tsconfig/bases package serves as a great source for getting tsconfig
Let’s install some of them:
pnpm --filter tsconfig add -D @tsconfig/node18 @tsconfig/strictest @tsconfig/next @tsconfig/vite-react
Using the --filter
option, these dependencies will be installed in packages/config/tsconfig/package.json
file and NOT the root package.json
Base tsconfig
Now that we have our dependencies installed, let’s create our first preset which will be named base.json
in packages/config/tsconfig
, this file will be a base configuration that all the other ones will extend from:
"$schema": "https://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig",
"display": "Base",
"extends": ["@tsconfig/strictest/tsconfig", "@tsconfig/node18/tsconfig"],
"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
"checkJs": true,
"moduleResolution": "bundler",
"module": "esnext",
"resolvePackageJsonExports": true,
"verbatimModuleSyntax": false
Since we are using TypeScript version 5, we can extend multiple tsconfigs rather than only one. In our base configuration we extend the strictest
and the node18
presets and then we modify them slightly to better fit our needs.
Some of the worthy modifications include:
we set the base module resolution to TypeScript 5’s newbundler
, since we will be using tsup throughout this monorepo for bundling, this serves as a great resolution and allows us to enableresolvePackageJsonExports
which will enable easy multi exports support for out packages. -
is a field that forces TypeScript to read and resolve files from a package’sexports
field in it’spackage.json
file, this allows us to easily create multiple exports for our packages and avoids us using hacks such astypesVersions
React tsconfig
The next tsconfig file on our list is a react specific one, this will serve as a tsconfig file for all of our react packages such as the UI components library package coming in the future, create a react.json
file in our package with the following content:
"$schema": "https://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig",
"display": "Base",
"extends": ["./base.json", "@tsconfig/vite-react/tsconfig"],
"compilerOptions": {
"moduleResolution": "bundler",
"allowJs": true
Here we simply extend the base configuration and @tsconfig/vite-react/tsconfig
, enable the bundler
moduleResolution since the vite-react
preset overrides the one in our base.json
and lastly allow javascript files so that we can also type check them.
Next.js tsconfig
The last file that we will create for our package will be a Next.js specific tsconfig
preset called nextjs.json
"$schema": "https://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig",
"display": "Nextjs",
"extends": ["./base.json", "@tsconfig/next/tsconfig"],
"compilerOptions": {
"moduleResolution": "nodenext"
We extend the base.json
preset again and also this time @tsconfig/next/tsconfig
. We also modify the moduleResolution
to nodenext
because Next.js does not work with the bundler
moduleResolution and will replace it with node
upon running the dev
command which we do not want.
Plugging everything up
Now that we have base.json
, react.json
and nextjs.json
in our package, we are almost there to have a fully functional package that we can use throughout our monorepo. The last part is to specify in our package.json
file that we expect these files to be accessible. This is done through the files
property. And so after all of this work our final package.json
of @acme/tsconfig
should look like this:
"name": "@acme/tsconfig",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"description": "Presets for common tsconfig.json configurations",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Acme",
"files": ["./base.json", "./nextjs.json", "./react.json"],
"devDependencies": {
"@tsconfig/next": "^1.0.5",
"@tsconfig/node18": "^1.0.1",
"@tsconfig/strictest": "^2.0.0",
"@tsconfig/vite-react": "^1.0.1"
We now have a fully functional monorepo package and to start using it, let’s create a tsconfig.json
file at the root of our monorepo that will handle providing a TypeScript configuration for the entire monorepo (unless another tsconfig.json
file is in a package, that will be used instead for the package). We do this to mainly provide ESLint with a tsconfig.json
file for our root files such as the prettier.config.cjs
We firstly need to install @acme/tsconfig
in our monorepo’s root package.json, to do this we simply:
pnpm add -D @acme/tsconfig -w
We can now create a tsconfig.json
file at the root of our repository with the following content:
"extends": "@acme/tsconfig/base",
"compilerOptions": {
"noEmit": true
"include": [
You can see how we are now extending from @acme/tsconfig/base
this points to packages/config/tsconfig/base.json
To test that this is working, we can define a new property in our prettier.config.cjs
file that does not exist on the prettier options type and we can expect typescript to display an error. This happens as that we allow JavaScript files in our base
tsconfig and we also set the checkJs
property to true, so we don’t need to explicitly define // @ts-check
for every JS file.
And with all of that, we now have a fully setup prettier
configuration as well as we created our first package, @acme/tsconfig
. We also setup TypeScript configuration presets that we will be able to use once we start adding a Next.js application, a React UI components library…etc
We will use the latest and greatest features of TypeScript v5 in this monorepo to give us the best DX possible and let us move quicker creating and developing apps and packages.
I know this might have been a very dense post, this is why I don’t expect everyone to completely understand everything that we have gone through here. For that, feel free to DM me on Twitter with all of your questions and I will help you out.
One last thing
As the previous part, this post title is completely unrelated to the topic. This part’s title is inspired by The Foundations’ record, “Build Me Up Buttercup” release in 1968. Give it a listen!